Helpful Resources for Hormone Balancing

hormone health

Where to start? Many times when I am teaching essential oil classes to beginners I get the deer in the headlights looks from at least one person in the class. ITS A LOT! I get it completely and have found that I have this look when trying to dig in to areas that I am not real knowledgable in yet too.

So much information + options just start somewhere!!!! Make the choice to do better not do it all. It takes time to make changes but if you don't start then nothing will ever be different. So just start. Start implementing 1 or 2 better choices and then once you are comfortable with that move on to the next better choice in your life.

Although we cant alway be in control of the air we are breathing in from our environment we can control our home environment better as well as what we put in and on our bodies.

These are the two that I started with

  • Self Care products (lotions, body soaps, deodorant, skinline, make up)

  • Cleaning products (I went from 10 different bottle under the sink to a handful of oils and other natural items such as vinegar, baking soda, etc. Natural, cheaper, and more effective)

Additional Resources:

  • “The essential oils hormone solutions” by Dr. Mariza Snyder - An essential for better living + hormone health

  • “Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth and Babies” - for any pregnant mamas or those wanting to conceive you must check it out

  • Just ingredients on instagram is a great resources I use for better choices in nutrition

  • The Period Repair Manual - a great book on getting your hormone health + periods back after birth control

“Your liver and kidneys can filter only so much of the toxins, and when they are overloaded, the chemicals wreak havoc from the inside out” - Mariza

There truly is so many amazing resources out there for us to utilize we just have to make the choice that its important, it matters, and it needs our attention. Just start there is always hope.

I am worthy

I am strong

I am confident

I love myself

I am beautiful

I am enough

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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