Tips + Tricks to Living an Essential Life


Here are a few tips I have on living an essential lifestyle. 

Body fuel, activity, rest, stress management, toxic reduction, and restorative self care.  This is the pyramid of health and you should start at the bottom of the pyramid and work your way up.  Look at the different categories and highlight which ones you think you are doing a great job at.  Then pick a couple to start improving on. My biggest tip here is to start small.  You don't have to overhaul and change it all at once.  If you start with small changes, making them a habit over time, then you will have added in another positive change to your life that you no longer have to think about... it just is part of your lifestyle!  This makes the overall process so much easier (and less intimidating) to get started.  Remember, it's a lifestyle.  These are not changes you want to do for just 30 days, but true habits you want to make.  


In order for you to actually make the changes you want to make, you need to prepare yourself.  One of the first suggestions I have for being successful with your oils is making them convenient. What I mean by this is to place oils that you use in each room around the house.  This took me time to build up my collection and get double of certain oils, but remember that we just talked about the doTERRA LRP program earlier this month? That is a great way to get oils for free by cashing in your points.  Get a set of oils in your car, purse, or diaper bag so you have them on you all the time. 

Here you can see what oils we keep in what rooms.


The next suggestions I have is about consistency. Consistency makes a huge difference.  While oils are fast-acting, consistency is when you will get the best long term results (i.e. use less but apply more often).  Be prepared to make consistency easy. 

Convenient = Consistency  

Don't be afraid to explore the three different methods of use: aromatic, topical, and internal.  Because we are all built differently, we react to oils differently and by exploring around with your oil method you will figure out what works best for your body.  Digestzen is a great example.  Although I used to take this oil internally (because I do not really like the smell of it) I have since learned that by using it topically I get much faster relief when I have an upset stomach. 

My next tip is to get a good resource book so you have a go-to source for all your questions.  Also attach yourself to a group of oil users because the learning is never ending, we are always sharing new ways (and resurfacing old-time favorite ways) to use/incorporate oils in our regular lives.  I love hearing personal testimonies and ways others use their oils/products in ways I never would have thought too.  

Of course (I'll say this over and over again) frequency trumps quantity every single time.  Use small amounts of oil more frequently to maximize results.  

Just start somewhere in that lifestyle pyramid striving to make changes that over time become habits.  Knowing that over time you too can live an awesome toxic free lifestyle and the process doesn't have to be overwhelming. 

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!


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