Pregnancy Symptoms + DIY Cures

Pregnancy symptom tips

Growing a human is the most beautiful experience I have ever had and I enjoyed every single second of it.  Let's be honest though, I started to analyze and think about every little thing I was putting on and in my body because it was not just effecting me anymore!  I wanted the best for my baby so I would stare, memorize, and stay clear of that big list of “NOT SAFE” items that the OB gave me.  The safe to consume list is very limited which always made me think “Why would I use these products when I am not pregnant? If they are not safe now are they really ever safe? There have to be a better options!” Insert essential oils; AKA gifts of the earth.

Motherhood began to change the way I thought about everything. My cleaning products, personal care products, laundry soap, and so much more.  Yes, it is still a big world we live in and I couldn't detox everything I was exposing my family to, however I could do better inside our home. 

For my first two pregnancies I was not yet using essential oils but my last two pregnancies I was.  I will tell you that doTERRA was the solution to all of the symptoms and discomforts that came along with being pregnant.  I want to share with you solutions that, for the most part, I have personal experience with each and every one of them.

I will be breaking this down into three different parts:

1. Pregnancy

2. Labor/hospital bag

3. Newborn/babies

We are going to cover all the ways that doTERRA can be your go-to for pregnancy symptoms, or "joys" as I am going to refer to them.  It is not always easy on our bodies to be pregnant, BUT it’s always worth it with the bundle of joy that comes in the end.  So all these symptoms we get to experience are joyful.  

Staying Healthy and well nourished as your baby develops inside you is so important.  It is difficult to obtain the right amount of minerals and vitamins you both need exclusively through diet, so GOOD supplementation is key.  Life Long Vitality pack from doTERRA is what I used during pregnancy and nursing.  It is an amazing supplement and, unlike most prenatals, your body can assimilate it like food.  Your body knows exactly how to process it because these vitamins are truly natural and your body distributes them where it needs to go. 

Pregnancy symptoms

Problem: Gut Health!

Solution: Take PB Assist Proboitics to help with your immune support throughout pregnancy, and especially in the third trimester when your body is making colostrum.  It will help in filling that colostrum with lots of good flora for your newborn baby while breast feeding.  

Problem: Digestion - Constipation - Irregular

Solution: Terrazymes are amazing supplements that help many of our body systems including immunity, hormone regulation, cellular growth, and repair of organs, glands and tissues.  It also supports the digestive system, breaking down the food in our stomach so it can utilize the nutrients effectively.  Digestion/constipation/irregular is one "joy" that this supplement helps with, which can also go hand in hand with the "joy" of heartburn and indigestion. The other thing enzymes are beneficial to is the support and rebuilding of connective tissues which our whole body is made up of.  

Problem: Tender Ta Tas

Solution: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Grapefruit, Copaiba. 1-3 drops each in a 10ml roller topped with fractionated coconut oils.  Apply topically directly to the breast tissue. 

Problem: Constipation:

Solution: DigestZen, Lemon, Peppermint, Or Fennel

Take 1-2 drops internally either under tongue, in a veggie cap, or in a beverage using glass or titanium cup.  You can also apply topically to your lower abdomen.  Other supplements that are beneficial include the terrazymes we discussed earlier and Bone Nutrient Complex.

Problem: Depression

Solution: The best product you could be using for this is the Life Long Vitality vitamins!  It is so beneficial in supporting your body through all the numerous hormonal changes.  Many uplifting oils to use along side the supplements are: Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Frankincense, Balance, Adaptive, Wild Orange, etc. Mix and match! Experiment to see which your body responds best to. 

Problem: Edema/Swelling

Solution: Water, water, water, and a lot of water.  Flavor it with your citrus oils to help you with intake.  Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, Slim and Sassy, or Wild Orange to name a few.  Be sure you are using glass or titanium steel cup when ingesting essential oils.  Keeping up your protein intake is another key factor.  To help with circulation you can use any of the following (or a combination of them) topically to your legs, ankles, and feet:  Citrus Bliss, AromaTouch, Cypress, Lavender, Ginger, and Lemon. 

Problem: Fatigue

Solution: Mito2Max! This is our natural energy supplement and it is one item that I really enjoyed during my pregnancies.  Another option is using some oils that are all uplifting and energizing. These include Citrus Bliss, Elevation, Wild Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit, and Peppermint. My favorite being the combo of Wild Orange and Peppermint in the diffuser. 

Problem: Headaches/ Dizziness

Solution: I used PastTense, Deep Blue, Lavender, Frankincense, and Peppermint.  Applying to your temples, hairline, and down your shoulders are great places topically.  Also doing a drop or two directly on the crown of your head before a hot shower is great.  Pro Tip: A drop of Frankincense on your thumb and massaged to the roof of your mouth with pressure for about 30 seconds followed by a glass of lemon water. 

Problem: Heartburn

Solution: Take Terrazymes with each of your meals and/or DigstZen chewable tablets.  Great oils to use topically or internally include DigestZen, Ginger, Peppermint, or Wild Orange.  Apply them topically to your chest, esophagus, and throat. 

Problem: Morning Sickness/ Nausea

Solution: Make sure to be getting a lot of protein the night before if you are experiencing morning sickness.  Mixing Lavender, Peppermint, Ginger, and Sandalwood with some coconut oil rubbed on to your abdomen can help provide nausea relief. Enjoying some Lemon or Ginger in your water with honey may be soothing too. Other oils that you can try include DigestZen, Pink Pepper, or Zendocrine. 

Problem: Leg/Muscle Cramps/Backaches

Solution: There are many different oils to try when it comes to being uncomfortable with all the growing and stretching.  Deep Blue, Rosemary, AromaTouch, Cypress, Lavender, Marjoram, Wild Orange, Rescuer, Frankincense, Copaiba, and many more.  I encourage you to experiment a little bit and see what you body reacts best to.  The bone Nutrient Supplement will help boost your magnesium levels and could help with these pains as well

Problem: Stretch Marks

Solution: A bit of this is just your genetic make up however remember I have 4 littles and this blend here was amazing to my itchy growing skin !!!!

 I used a jar of the doTERRA body butter and added the following to it. 

  • 10 drops Citrus Bliss

  • 10 drops Lavender

  • 10 drops Cypress

  • 5 drops Geranium

  • 10 drops Frankincense

  • 5 drop Myrrh

  • **Immortelle is a GREAT blend too that comes in a roller that you can roll all over your areas of concerned followed with the body butter to massage into the skin.  

Problem: Varicose Veins

Solution: Any of the following or a combination of the following Lemon, Coriander, Cypress, Geranium, Marjoram, or Helichrysum.  The key to this is applying often as possible.  

Check out the book “Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth Babies" by Stephanie Fritz. It is an amazing go-to resource that you will love to lean on.

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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