A Real Story from Kelsey

Hormone Balancing

I had no idea what hormone balancing was or what hormones even were for that matter and why they were important when I started learning about essential oils. I started learning about them because I was pregnant with my first baby and I was having terrible migraines, and when chiropractic care was rarely helping me anymore my chiropractor recommended, I try dōTERRA’s PastTense oil blend…and it worked almost instantly!

So, I ended up doing more research about these crazy little bottles of oil, which brought me to digging deeper into the root cause of my symptoms. Well it turns out that hormones that are out of balance is a very common cause for migraines among other things, and also common in the first trimester of pregnancy as your body is creating a new hormone called progesterone more and more every single day. I had suffered from headaches and migraines for years, but I had learned to just deal with it because I hated popping pills and I never thought I had any lady issues because my periods were pretty regular and not too uncomfortable, but hormones are much more than that. Hormones are chemicals that are produced by glands in the endocrine system. Hormones travel through the bloodstream to the tissues and organs, delivering messages that tell the organs what to do and when to do it. Hormones are important for regulating most major bodily processes, so a hormonal imbalance can affect a wide range of bodily functions. Hormones help to regulate metabolism and appetite, heart rate, sleep cycles, reproductive cycles and sexual function, mood and stress levels and more!


One of the most important things I’ve learned after being a wellness advocate for over 5 years now is that every symptom your body is having is a signal from our body that something is wrong, so we can’t ignore them or medicate them, but rather we must search them out and support our bodies to heal themselves at the root cause before it becomes something more serious. So, I want to share with you some of the symptoms to be aware of in your body to know that your hormones may need balancing. If you have unexplained weight gain or weight loss, unexplained or excessive sweating, difficulty sleeping, changes in sensitivity to cold and heat, very dry skin or skin rashes, changes in blood pressure, changes in heart rate, brittle or weak bones, changes in blood sugar, irritability and anxiety, unexplained and long-term fatigue, increased thirst, depression, headaches, changes in appetite, reduced sex drive, infertility, blurred vision, breast tenderness, heavy, irregular, or painful periods, hot flashes and night sweats, vaginal dryness, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, acne during or just before menstruation, uterine bleeding not associated with menstruation, increased hair growth on the face, neck, chest, or back, thinning hair or hair loss, skin tags or abnormal growths you most likely have some type of hormone imbalance. So that’s pretty much me and every woman I know… and that is why this is such an important thing for us to work on now! Because most women in their 20’s and 30’s are starting to have these symptoms and then most women in their 40’s and 50’s already have much more serious issues and illnesses associated with their hormones so we must choose to live a prevention lifestyle and know how to balance our hormones now.


So, here’s why I love using essential oils to help with hormone imbalance, they’re very inexpensive and easy to use and most of all they’re naturally very effective at balancing hormones because God knew women would love flowers and their scents, and so most floral oils are good for supporting the hormones. dōTERRA makes an oil blend with most of them called ClaryCalm and it is the perfect one for every woman to be using daily to support healthy hormones. It can be rolled on right over the ovaries or on the lower abdomen and that’s all it takes to help calm those crazy hormones, lower stress levels, prevent PMS, and more! I also LOVE Neroli oil and it comes in an easy to use diluted roll on bottle from dōTERRA as well. It is my favorite oil to relieve my anxiety, and also amazing for boosting the libido and even helpful for fertility as well. I put it on my lower abdomen daily as well as keeping it on me to use like my own natural perfume all day long on my wrists or over my heart as often as needed.

The other products that have really helped me with hormone balancing are both supplements. Zendocrine is our detoxification blend but it also has grapefruit in it which is amazing for hormone balancing and breast health. It’s a blend of oils designed to be used daily to support your body’s natural detoxing process which is also very important, and it doubles as a hormone balancing supplement as well, so I take one soft gel every day. I also take the women’s Phytoestrogen supplement since we are constantly exposed to things that give our bodies unnatural and unneeded estrogen from our beauty and personal care products, and more! That’s a whole other topic for a different blog, but it is a huge soap box of mine as well because since reducing the toxins I am exposing myself to daily and replacing them with natural products from dōTERRA and other companies I have noticed the biggest change in my health and my hormones. But on top of doing that you can also give your body natural and healthy estrogens to replace those bad ones and that is what the Phytoestrogen supplement does so I take one of them each day as well.

I hope this was helpful to you and that you will consider making a few changes to your routine by adding in a few of these small bottles of oil and these supplements because I know how much it will help your hormones and your whole body. I also highly recommend getting Dr. Mariza Snyder’s book the Essential Oils Hormone Solution to learn more ways to balance your hormones with diet, rituals to relieve stress, and more.


Kelsey Watson

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