Making The Switch to Natural Deodorant

April 13.jpg

Deodorant is one item that you should definitely consider swapping out for a better and more natural alternative.  Something more natural doesn't mean it has to be less effective.  We have tried many different natural brands of deodorant and honestly I liked many of them, but my husband was a lot harder to convince because many of the products just were not getting the job done.  

Doterra used to have a deodorant that I could not stand behind because (again) it didn’t get the job done.  However, they have not only revamped their deodorant in the last year, but have come out with two different scent options too.  They are Balance and Citrus Bliss, which I personally like both scents equally.  Many natural deodorants are “tougher” to roll on, meaning they do not feel very smooth rolling on unless you let it rest up against your skin to use your body temperature to warm it up a bit first.  Another great hack is to put a drop or two of any essential oil on the top before applying, this to makes it a bit smoother to roll on.


Reasons to switch:


Most common brands have this ingredient included which inhibits perspiration by clogging your sweat glands and trapping the toxins within your body. The toxins are then accumulated in your lymph nodes, which can cause cell mutation over time.   DETAILS: Aluminum chlorohydrate, aluminum zirconium tetrachlorohydrex gly and any other combination with the word “aluminum” within the ingredient list.


These are also known to disrupt hormone function and lead to reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity and neurotoxicity. Parabens are estrogenic and can disrupt hormones in your body, leading to early puberty in children and an increased risk of hormonal cancers. DETAILS:  Methyl, ethyl, propyl, isobutyl, benzyl and butyl, and other words ending with paraben, as well as hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxybenzoate within the ingredient list.


These is a synthetic antibacterial and odor-killing compound that is found in deodorant. This chemical is known to disrupt normal thyroid and hormone function such as fertility and birth defects. DETAILS: The term “Triclosan” in the ingredient list.


These can be a number of ingredients clumped into this one word.  These chemicals are linked to diabetes, cancer, obesity, fertility issues, and developmental problems. Even if you play it safe and choose unscented deodorant, there may be additional additives used to cover up odors from other chemicals.

DETAILS: The term “Fragrance” in the ingredient list.

These are just a FEW of the reasons I think you need to switch.  Everyone ought to, but especially women and young teenagers.  

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