Stages Of Emotions


Our Stages of Emotions + Utilizing Essential Oils for Support

Essential oils support healing in five stages.  The Strengthen us during each stage and prepare us for the next level of healing.  

  1. Assist in healing the physical body

  2. Assist in healing the heart

  3. Assist in releasing limiting beliefs

  4. Increase spiritual awareness and connection

  5. Inspire the fulfillment of our life purpose


Heal the physical body 

Essential oils are powerful physical healers.  Some essential oils are considered to be 40-60 times more potent then herbs.  Essential oils assist the body in fighting unfriendly microorganisms; purifying organs, glands and body systems; balancing body functions; and raising the body’s energetic vibration.


Heal the heart

As the oils secure our physical health, they provide us with the energy needed to penetrate the heart and enter the emotional realm.  Essential oils raise the vibration of the physical body.  As the body lives in higher energetic vibrations, lower energies (such as suppressed emotions) become unbearable.  The body wants to release these feelings. Stagnant anger, sadness, grief, judgment, and low self worth cannot exist in the environment of balance and peace which essential oils help to create. Emotional helming occurs as old feelings surface and release.  Sometimes this experience is confused with regression.  

Release and Receive 

It is important to understand that healing is a process.  The process can be separated into two main principles: 

Release and Receive 

We must release trapped negative emotions before we can receive positive feelings.  The old must go to make space for the new.  We often want to skip this step, but it's necessary.  We must be willing to experience the cleansing if we truly desire healing.  Resisting the cleansing process makes healing more painful.  We must surrender to the experience so that we may continue on the path of healing.  The more we let go and trust, the more enjoyable this healing process can be. Essential oils don't do our emotional work for us that a decision we make to look within and be honest.



Release limiting beliefs 

Emotions = Temporary 

Beliefs = Long term and rooted in subconscious 

Beliefs are what we use to identify who we are.  We all have positive and negative beliefs 

Essential oils assist in illuminating the emotional patterns of deeply held beliefs, encouraging us to identify what the limiting beliefs are, releasing the trapped energy and associated emotions, and, finally, replacing them with positive beliefs that will serve our highest good. 


Increase spiritual awareness and connection

Acknowledging your spiritual nature and connection and being aware of that intentional love available to us.  Walking along side God surrendering to his knowledge and power.  Knowing he is in control and loves you unconditionally.



Inspire fulfillment of life purpose

When we have done the work and gone through the previous 4 which are needed to heal we are now ready to fully activate our purpose and potential.  This stage is where clarity and courage come in to encourage you to take your path. 

Tools that assist in emotional work include: 



Personal inventory 

Nature Therapy 

Personalized Modalities 

Health Habits 

In the back of the Emotions and Essential oil book is a decoding emotions section which is a great space to start as if you are anything like me many times we are not 100% sure what it is we are feeling and this section can be helpful starting point in pinning down some of those initial emotions/feelings. 

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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