How to Boost Your Kids Immune System

Kids Immune Boost

How to Keep Your Kids Healthy

As a mother, keeping my littles immune systems strong means a lot.  It not only means healthy kids but happy kids. Resulting in a happy mom too.  There is nothing harder than seeing your littles sick.  

Nutrition plays a huge roll in your child’s overall health and wellness. It’s something I think  moms should take more seriously. Sugar KILLS your immune system, which is found in so many things these days.  Even things you wouldn't label as “sweets” still can have loads of sugar in them.  I am nowhere near perfect when it comes to my kids nutrition, however, we are doing our best and making small changes that then become habits. 

Once we have one habit down, we move on to the next.  I encourage you to take your first step in the right direction. Make your way through each day making better choices than the day before.  Throw away all those excuses you have been using, as well as what society says is acceptable.  Have your kiddos drink more water! That was our first step, and now more times than not that is what they ask for. 


1. Supplements

Another key player in our nutrition resulting in a stronger immune system is doTERRAs kids supplements.  a2z Chewables, IQ mega, and the pb assist jr probiotic are three items my kids take daily. They love the flavors of all three. 

  •  a2z multivitamin is watermelon flavored. The boys ages five and six get one each morning and one each night.  My daughter, who is three, gets one every morning and when she turns four will get two.  My one year old gets half of one each day. Once he turns two, I will start him on a full one.

  • The IQ mega is orange flavor (thats right, no fishy-ness to it) and is kept in the fridge.  My kids take a spoonful of it, and again, do not mind the taste.

  • The Pb Assist Jr Probiotic my kids refer to as their sugar vitamin.  Do you remember those yummy pixie sticks you ate as a kid? Yup! That is exactly what these remind me of, and often times, this mama will take one with them.


2. Oils:

We also have our protective blend rollers next to our supplements to swipe on their feet and spines.

  • They get to choose if they want to use On Guard or Stronger each day because both are great at immune support. Kids like to have choices, thinking they are in control of the situation.  As a mom trying to empower my kids, I am completely okay with them feeling this way.

  • DDR Prime is another oil that you should be utilizing on your kids daily. This is a proprietary blend of essential oils that help protect the body against oxidative stress to cellular DNA.  Something we all could use help with. Especially with all we are exposed to in our day to day living. 

My kids have great immune systems and have been exposed to many things at school, church, friends houses, etc. and not caught what everyone else came down with.  However we do still get sick here and there.  I will stand firm in saying that when we do get sick, it doesn't keep them down for long and we are able to kick it fast. FLOOM is our go-to recipe for all things sick.  This kick all the crud combo is amazing and acts as our natural antibiotic.

F= Frankincense

L= Lemon

O= OnGuard

O= Oregano 

M= Melaleuca 

We will apply this oil to feet and spine as often as possible. We start using it on the start of any type of under the weather feeling, or if we know we have been exposed to something and our bodies are going to need a little extra support.  We like to use this before public playgrounds, while we travel, or during flu season to really up our game.  

Detox Bath

3.  Detox Baths:

Detox baths are something we do weekly to keep our bodies healthy. Again, we will do more than one a day when we are under the weather.  

  • 1 cup epsom salts

  • 1/2 cup baking soda 

  • 1-5 drops oil of your choice 

  • We like to use 1-2 drops each Lavender and Zendocrine 

Elderberry Tonic

4.  Elderberry Tonic:

We get Elderberry Tonic from The Holton Homestead in Elkhart, Iowa. We all take this daily in the winter months, and more than once a day when not well.  In the summer we use it only when we are not feeling well.  Elderberries are very high in antioxidants, as well as many other amazing properties that help your body to heal and be at its best. 

Diffuser blends for kids

5.  Diffuser Blends: 

Our nightly diffuser blend is a blend of oils not only that help the kids to shut down their minds and get good deep REM sleep (Peace, Serenity, Vetiver, Cedarwood) but also helps keep their airways open (Breathe) and immune systems strong (On Guard).  We use the same blend each night.

Instead of opening all 6 oils each night, we have a dropper filled with all of them. We then use the dropper to fill our diffuser, saving time and energy which are both pretty crucial when it comes to bedtime. We start the diffuser as the kids brush their teeth and get pjs on. We then snuggle up in their room enjoying the aroma, and read books together winding down for the night. 


Last thing I want to encourage you to do for your kids is be active.  Don't expect them to go be active by themselves. Yes they are kids but man its so much fun to do active things as a family to show them by example what is good for their bodies.  No matter the weather outside I can promise you there is some fun to be had that includes moving your body.  Have you ever had a dance party in your living room? Yoga as a family? Seriously you guys the laughs alone are worth every second.

I hope you find this post to be helpful and not overwhelming. These are staples and habits that have made a huge impact in our lives.

You can learn more from DoTerra here.

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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Kids Immunity Boost

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