Oil Spotlight: Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Deep Blue Blend

Aromatic description:

Minty, Herbaceous, Camphoraceous

Body systems effected:

  • Muscles and Bones

  • Nervous System

My top uses:  

  • Body aches and pains (chronic, growing, stiffness, restless legs, etc.)

  • Pre work out to warm up the muscles and post work out to cool down the muscles

  • Circulation in pregnancy feet

  • Head tension

  • Shoulder tension for those that work at a desk all day 

  • Sports players this is a must have

How to use: T=topically  I =internally

  • A little bit goes a long ways.  Apply directly to the area of concern. 

  • Both the oil and the rub are equally fantastic and would say its definitely a personal preference as to which one you like better.  

  •  For internally: Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex 

    • Ditch your other over the counter medication that you may live on for daily aches and pains and replace it with this natural and effective alternative without the side effects.

Blends well with: 

  • Mints

  • Citrus

Favorite Roller Ball Blend

Aches + Pains

  • 5-20 drops Deep Blue

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

Head Tension

  • 4 drops Deep Blue

  • 4 drops Lavender

  • 4 drops Frankincense

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

Deep Blue

I love being pregnant, however, the aches and pains of those final weeks are not so fun.  Deep Blue was a game changer for me in my last two pregnancies. 

Swollen feet = check

Restless legs = check

Hips and pelvic discomfort = check

Not to mention back labor = check check check check 

It not only gave me relief from discomfort for all of these things but was beneficial to my body too. 

Side note: make sure your husband washes his hands before going to the bathroom after giving you a deep blue foot rub.  He may have told me “I am never rubbing your feet again” after many other choice words that I wont be sharing here.  

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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Oil Spotlight Deep Blue

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