Head Tension Hacks


No one enjoys having a pounding head and, unfortunately if you are a victim to having these often, it is hard to figure out the root cause of them.  Like skin issues, this is something that can be caused by so many factors; what you are exposing your body to, what you are putting in your body, how much sleep you are getting, hormones, and so many other things.  I wanted to share a few natural things you can do to assist you when you are having head tension. 


Lifelong Vitality Vitamins 

Our Lifelong Vitality vitamins have been a game changer for so many people who would say that head tension used to visit them weekly and was effecting so many aspects of their life negatively.  I even know one gal who went from having debilitating headaches weekly to being able to count on one hand how many she had experienced in the past several months.  Lifelong Vitality is full of vitamins that our bodies need to function and pumps your body full of good things that are only going to help.

Past Tense • Deep Blue • Peppermint

Past Tense, Deep Blue, and Peppermint are all oils that will give you relief in the moment.  Apply them to your temples, behind your ears, down your neck, over shoulders, and at the base of your neck where your hair meets your spine.  I also love applying these oils on my hands and giving myself a good scalp massage before getting in the hot shower. This will help intensify the oils in the hot water.  (Be careful not to get in your eyes as the water runs down)


Copaiba + Frankincense

Take Copaiba and Frankincense internally.  I have personally gotten relief within seconds of applying these oils to the roof of my mouth.  Put a drop on your thumb and, with pressure, massage the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds and then repeat with the other oil. You can also take these internally in a veggie cap, but try the roof of mouth massage first.  (Veggie caps are empty capsules you put the oils in to then swallow and not taste)  

Now these are all tips to giving relief when you are already suffering, however, I would love to talk more with your personally if you are a frequent sufferer.  I'd like to see if maybe I can help you dig a little deeper into the root cause of what your body is combating against. Reach out and let's chat. 

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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