Never Stop Growing


My baby is about to turn two next week, which has me reminiscing about how much he has grown in the last two years.  It is so easy to see in our little ones how fast time really goes and how much growth can occur in such a short amount of time.  Two short years ago he was just entering this world.  Sleeping, filling his diaper, and eating pretty much summed up his day.  Now his days include talking, running all over, drinking from a cup, putting puzzles together, feeding animals, and so much more.  Two years.  So much growth.  But guess what? Just because it isn't as physically apparent for the rest of us, did you know that we as adults can grow and change just as much as little kids do? In my opinion, we should never stop growing. 


Big life events happen that make things shift and change, sometimes for the good and sometimes for the bad.  As humans, I think we have to be flexible and I think we have to want to grow/change.  Change is universally perceived as a “bad” thing, I think. However, honestly, I think change is a sign of growth, and no matter what, growth is good.  

“Don’t go through life, grow through life.”

“If we don't change, we don't grow.”  

“Grow through life's changes.”

“Never stop striving to grow and change.”

And my favorite: we ought “To continuously seek ways to learn and grow, which results in change.”


I encourage you to reflect on this a bit.  

Are you still growing? 

What areas of your life have you grown, changed, and are proud of? 

What are areas that you want to grow in?  

This can also include hobbies! Is there something you always wanted to do? 

Growth is good y’all! Don't let anyone tell you differently. 

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