Oil Spotlight: Digest Zen

Digest Zen for Belly

Digest Zen Blend

This one is a big gun one we pull out when we are needing some serious assistance. Another one we are never without in our home so that we are prepared for anything that might arise. 

Aromatic description:

 Minty, Anise-like, spicy, sweet

Blend of Ginger, Peppermint, Caraway, Coriander, Anise, Tarragon, Fennel

Body systems effected:

  • Digestive system

My top uses:  

  •  Any and all tummy issues that come up we grab our Digestzen oil for quick relief.  This oil is one that I have found you either love the smell of or really dislike it, however, no matter which side you land on I know you will use this oil for its very quick effective solution it gives. 

  • We have used on car trips, high altitude, belly bugs, bloating, over eating, irregular, throwing up, ALL stomach issues.

  • If you are one that isn't fond of the smell try using it internally instead or mixing it with Wild Orange and/or Lavender. Both these oils add benefits to what you would be using Digestzen for and help mask the scent. 

  • It is also great to use on bridge of nose for congestion or on chest to decongest and digest mucus.

How to use:  T=topically I =internally

  • We are all built differently and I find that you will learn pretty quickly which way is more effective for you. 

  • Ages 6+ can use oils internally.  

Blends well with: 

  • Ginger

  • Peppermint

  • Coriander

  • Fennel

  • Lavender

  • Wild Orange

  • Lemon

Favorite Roller Ball Blend

Belly Buster

  • 4 drops Digestzen

  • 4 drops Wild Orange 

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

Plugged Nose

  • 2 drops Digestzen

  • 2 drops Frankincense

  • 2 drops Lemon

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

Motion + Car + Morning Sickness

  • 4 drops Digestzen

  • 2 drops Ginger or Fennel

  • Top off with Fractionated Coconut Oil 

Fostering the essentials peppermint

A personal statement from Alicia Fish:

“I am a wife and mom to three beautiful babes. They are 6,4, and 7 months. I have been a doTerra wellness advocate for two years now. In the beginning, I was the biggest skeptic you could ever meet. I worked in the healthcare field and always turned to medication. That was until we hit a crossroad. My daughter was 3 years old and was dealing with severe constipation. We had tried very harsh medication in hopes we could rid her body of discomfort and toxins. They did not work. We turned to oils. We have a blend called DigestZen and it was our saving grace. We were used to watching our poor, petite little toddler struggle to be okay with medication that took HOURS and multiple doses to work.  Adult doses at that. With oils, we were able to watch our baby have relief within minutes and watch all the pain go away in just an hours time. We never looked back. SHE never looked back. She was three years old asking for her oils. Yes, asking. Innocent and full of faith. 

After these results, we started to turn to our oils for other issues as well.  That leads us to my son who had dealt with severe skin issues from the time he was born. We had him on medicated creams, lotions, and had high hopes. None of them worked. They would take the issue away for a day, maybe, and then it would return with vengeance. One word. Lavender. Lavender gave his skin new life and he does not deal with it any more. Any ache, pain, bad mood, negative emotion, and most importantly, hope, have been restored. Just...by...oils. What is there to lose? I used them during my pregnancy for mood balancing, upset stomach, and to keep my immune system strong. No medications needed for the birth. No medications for healing after birth. I turned to oils when I was struggling with my milk supply while nursing.  Simply used oils. Do you see a trend here? Everyone has a need for oils. It’s really cool to have a want for oils as well, but believe me when I say EVERYONE needs oils. Motherhood, being a wife, being a working woman is hard. I have family support but they can only use words. I can use my oils to heal, to comfort, to support and to smell good. All while doing it naturally and in a healthy manner. I encourage each and every person to take the high road and give it a try. Empower yourself and your home. You will not be sorry.”

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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Oil Spotlight Digest Zen

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