All Natural Produce Wash

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Anyone else a huge fan of Costco? Can we talk about their amazing produce section? 

Not only are there a lot of organic options, but the prices are great too.  As a family of 6, it really saves us to buy bulk as nothing seems to last very long with 4 growing little beings in the house.  A little secret for you moms out there- if you want your kids to eat healthy, have lots of healthy options for them to choose from.  Another tip, lead by example.  Those littles pick up on everything we do which includes our eating habits too. 

Fostering The Essentials

Buying organic is always best but not always affordable.  I find this list from the EWG site to be a good reference for which fruits and vegetables I should always buy organic and which I can get away with washing really well. 

Dirty Dozen | Clean Fifteen

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How to wash your produce:

  • We wash and soak our fruits and veggies whether we buy organic or not to get all the extra dirt, grime, handling from stores, etc. off before enjoying.

  • Then we put all the fruits and veggies for the week in a big bowl of water to soak.  Along with 2-5 pumps of the on guard hand soap and 3-5 drops of lemon.  Any citrus oil will work but we prefer to use Lemon. I want to be clear that I only advocate to use DoTERRA essential oils.

  • Let your bowl of produce sit for about 10 minutes then strain and give a good rinse. 

  • Store in air tight container and enjoy.

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