How To Detox Your Home

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You want to know something really frustrating? Spending more money on products that claim to be “100% natural” when they are just labeled that way and nothing more.  Products that are still filled with crappy ingredients that you shouldn't be putting on or in your body.  I have learned so much in the last four years that leaves me feeling frustrated for the Mama that I once was.  The mama who looked at labels, trusted what I read, then continued to buy and use on my family.  We shouldn't have to research everything that is on the store shelves, however, the fact is -we do! Labels are so misleading with lots of false claims. 

Fostering The Essentials

What started my journey with oils was my 1 and 2 year old boys horrible skin issues.  So when I jumped into oils that was my first area of concern along with seasonal threats and indigestion for my husband.  Once I had a grasp on what worked for these things, I wanted to dig into my house and detox other areas.  This is when the real learning and frustration was revealed. 

Have you ever heard of It’s an amazing site you should check out.  I was SHOCKED at my findings.  We were using "all natural" products from the store - laundry soap, lotions, creams, body washes, and more, because I was doing everything in my power to get a grasp on my boys skin issues.  WRONG. All I was actually doing was spending more money on a label for an equally crappy product.  None of the natural products were even close to being something I should be using. We should be able to trust what the front of a bottle says. We just cant though. 

Do your research!

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There are lots of different areas in the home to detox. 

  • Cleaning products

  • Make up

  • Personal hygiene

  • Candles + Air Fresheners

  • Kids products

  • And so much more!

How to get started:

  • First off, DO NOT let it overwhelm you.

  • Next, replace as you run out. You don't have to change the whole house in a day, a week, or even a month.  Let it gradually shift as you move forward in your healthier lifestyle. Replace as you need.

  • Lastly, know that is doesn't have to be more expensive to live this type of lifestyle.  Honestly, not only are my products toxic free, but they are also both effective AND save me money.

Where are you going to start?

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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