First Aid Kit Must Have Items

first aid kit

First Aid Kit

I found this awesome case at good ol' Target last year that carries everything I may need in any type of emergency.  We keep this in the car so we always have it on us, but especially during the warm months, since they always seem to include more boo boos.  I thought it would be a perfect time to share as I needed to restock the bag.  We have been getting outside more and more these days, hello spring sunshine, which has already included some cuts, scraped knees, blisters, and sunburns.  Here is what we keep in our natural First Aid Kit.

first aid touch
first aid medicine
  • Band Aids: Everyone likes fun band-aids to cheer them up in a time that usually includes blood. 

  • Owie Spray: 2oz spray bottle 1/2 Water + 1/2 Fractionated coconut oil + 5 drops each Lavender, Frankincense, and Melaleuca.

  • Correct X: A multi-purpose, natural ointment that helps soothe skin and enhance the natural process of skin returning to a healthy state. 

  • Helichrysum: For any situation that includes blood, we apply directly to the site.  Helichrysum is best known for its restorative properties to the skin, making it perfect to help stop bleeding.  

  • Chapstick: Because mom doesn't like to be without chapstick ever.  We have a stick of DoTERRA Herbal chapstick in every room and car. 

  • Bug Spray: We like to keep the Terrashield spray bottle directly from doTERRA on hand.

  • On Guard Hand Sanitizer: A must! No matter what day of the week, where we are going, or what we are doing, we use this numerous times. 

  • Triease:  Doterra’s seasonal blend soft gels that include Lemon + Lavender + Peppermint ready to go.  My husband suffers from severe seasonal threats because he is allergic to all trees and grasses, and well, we live in Iowa. 

  • Deep Blue Rub Samples:  Never know when those aches, pains, and sore muscles may surface but I also like to have this on hand for head tension too.  

  • Deep Blue Rub Pholyphenal Pills: Again for aches, pains, cramps, joint or muscle discomfort, head tension, etc. 

  • 9 Touch Oils :  With these top oils we have a roller for anything that may come up on the go. These come pre-diluted, ready to apply to anyone, from infants to elderly, making them very convenient.    

  • Splinters: Onguard Touch followed by Lavender Touch will help the splinter to come to the surface. Check back frequently, keep applying until it comes to surface, and experience pain relief too.  Once to the surface use tweezer to pull out.  

  • Momlife Roller + tampons: Well let’s be honest you always need extra emotional support as a mom and that time of the month always tends to sneak up on me

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