Oil Convenience: What Oils in What Rooms

Oils in every room

Oil Convenience

Convenience and Organization are key to being successful with your essential oils. 

 “Keep them where you use them” this will make a huge impact on your daily use of your magical brown bottles.  Being sure to use them frequently and consistently is a great way to be sure to see results in your health and wellness. 

We have a ‘command center’ which is located in our kitchen a location that we are as a family in or through numerous times a day.  They are visual reminder to utilize them.  In an emergency where we need to act fast we can go right to the hub and get what we need fast.  This is where our main collection goes we try to have one of every oil here at all times. I find myself monthly having to go around and collect the ones that have been used and moved which I don't mind because I know they are being utilized.

Fostering The Essentials _ oils in every room

Oils and products you use in each room


  • Diffuser with calming oils:

    • Serenity, Balance, Wild Orange, Cedarwood, Peace, Vetiver, Frankincense, etc

  • Copaiba softgels

  • Serenity Softgels 

  • DigestZen Chewable tabs 

Oils for bathroom


Skincare line

  • Lotion and body butter

  • Frankincense to add to my moisturizer for youthful looking skin and melaleuca for any blemishes that pop up

  • Clary calm (Apply to my lower abdomen when I brush my teeth to help keep my hormones balanced)

  • On Guard Toothpaste and Mouthwash

  • We keep an array of oils in here as we like to use all sorts of different ones in the bath along with Epsom salts or on the bottom of the shower floor before jumping in.

  • On Guard Hand Soap

  • Dont forget the shower: toxic free good natural products infused with oils for the whole family to use (shampoo, conditioner, soaps, etc) 

Laundry oils

Laundry Room:

  • On Guard Laundry Soap

  • Lemon Oil

  • Purify Oil

  • Lavender Oil

  • Wool Dryer Balls

  • On Guard Concentrate

Kitchen oils


  • Because this is where our hub is located I don't have to move any extras in here. 

  • We have our spice and herb rack right there ready to use during cooking

  • Citrus oils ready to add to our water.  

  • Supplements stay in here and we never miss a day.


Kids Station:

This we have in the kids bathroom.  They know how to use them and empower themselves.  They love as much as I do that they have their own little place to go when they are needing support physically or emotionally.  Sometimes they will ask me which color or oil to use but will run up and apply them.  Many times going to bed I will hear them get up and reapply oils that help them to get a good nights sleep.  

Kids station includes the following :

  • I mainly like to keep touch rollers here because they are pre diluted and ready to apply for the kiddos. Plus they cant over do it or waste the oils this way either. 

  • Top 9 oils- With this touch kit we have a roller for anything and everything 

  • Kids Line of oils- To empower them for anything that comes their way

  • Peace - My one son really gravitates to this oil to help him sleep at night or anytime he is feeling overwhelmed

  • Balance - We start each day with a couple drops of balance in our hands and apply to our feet chest and take big inhales from cupped hands 

  • InTune- DoTERRA focus blend is used before heading out the door to go to school 

  • Their vitamins and probiotic 

  • Lotion- After bath time to keep skin hydrated  (we often will take a roller of oil and roll it all over our hand before putting  a squirt of lotion and applying all over the body) 

  • Deodorant - the boys have just started to think wearing deodorant is really cool 

Try out a cosmetic holder like this or this one shown above for organization!


Travel cases are a must.  So many adorable options out their from places like eos, oil life, etsy, aromatools, and more.  Cases that carry oil rollers, 5ml oils, and 15ml oils too.  We never leave home without our oils so that no matter where we are we are equip to handle things.  

Here are a few of my favorites: Travel CaseTravel Clutch Key Chain

Fun labels is something else that helps to reach for those oils and keep things convenient.  Again the options are endless and their are a lot of different resources that sell them.  We at fostering the essentials love the quality and look of farmhousevinyl labels found on Etsy by Danielle Wagoner in New Mexico.  

Custom Holder: It is always fun to make your oils a decoration. In doing so it adds something to your space. Check out Dam Woodworking for any custom holders you may want to add to your home!


This all may feel overwhelming looking at it like this.  This took me a long time to build overtime.  As I ran out of something I would replace with a DIY or product directly from DoTERRA. I also utilized our loyalty rewards program to help build my new doTERRA lifestyle as well.  Now that I have been a part of the program for a year I get 30% back in points off of my monthly orders. These points accumulate and I am able to cash in on FREE oils and products.  I buy household products via the optional program (LRP = loyalty rewards program) that I was already buying from other stores (vitamins, probiotic, laundry soap, toothpaste, hand soap, etc you get the picture) and get them from doTERRA instead.  This way I am earning points from these orders that I then can cash in on FREE oils.  This makes it so I do not have to find a space in my budget for these essential oils that my family needs but just rebudget where we are spending and getting our household items.

Since oils have a very long shelf life when stored properly (out of direct sunlight, away from heat sources, and lids on tight so no oxidation happens) + this mama does NOT like to be out of an oil I like to stock up.   I like to always have a second bottle on hand to fill in when our ‘command center’ runs out of an oil.  I feel confident stocking up because I know the quality of DoTERRA oils and that they will continue to have the exact same properties as they did years before because I took care of them.

Need more guidance with your oil journey? Feel free to reach out - we would love to help guide you along with the best resources possible!

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Oils in every room

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