Mom Strong


Hey Moms, this post is for you. 

My true passion is to help other moms to live the lifestyle that we live.  As the head decision maker of the household you need to read, learn, and be educated on making more natural decisions for your family.  

Essential oils are an amazing gift from our Earth that have been around forever.  My family use them daily for our heath both physical and emotional.  As a mom these little brown bottles empower me to have natural, safe, and effective solutions for my kids.  They love them too.  The beauty of kids is they don't lie.  When my kiddos have a belly ache and ask for oils its because they know that they help support their bodies to feel better.  I am empowering them as a mom and that my ladies feels good!!  We use essential oils on a regular basis.  They are included in many of our daily habits as well as household products.  

I want to share with you some of my favorites to help you keep your kids at their optimal health and well being too.  


DO I dilute?

One highlight that I want to hit on first is dilution.  This part is always one that makes moms a bit nervous because lets be honest we don't want to ever do anything but whats best for our littles.  What is best for our littles is natural safe products so YES use oils just know there is a little bit of a learning curve. 

Children especially infants and babies react more strongly to all things than adults do because they have not been exposed to all that we have yet.  They are also much smaller than us so they simply do not need them as strong as us.  A great go to ratio is 1-2 drops of oil to 1 tablespoons coconut oil (or other carrier oil). Less oil more frequently to continuously support your body naturally.  Always a good idea to start with the more gentle oils on kids (lavender, frankincense, melaleuca, lemon, wild orange, copaiba, roman chamomile, etc) you will most likely see amazing results.  After my babies turn 1 is when I feel comfortable using my whole cabinet of oils on them but still will first go to the gentle or neat oils first. 


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Daily Uses for moms + kids 

Balance: We start each day with a drop of balance in our hands, rub together, apply to bottom of feet, chest/heart, and then cupped over our nose/mouth and take big inhales.  Start our day off grounded and ready to conquer whatever is thrown in their path.  

Onguard: We like to use the On Guard Touch roller from doTERRA and apply it topically up and down their spines and on their feet every morning and night to keep their immune systems strong.

A2Z kids chewable multi vitamins + IQ mega fish oil + PB Assist probiotic 

Detox bath: 1 cup epsom salts + 1/2 cup baking soda + 1 drop each lavender, frankincense, melaleuca. We do these at least twice a week to help gently detox their bodies from everything they are exposed to.

In Tune: This is DoTERRA focus blend that comes in roller.  We use for school, church, or when we are needing a little extra patience (grocery shopping cough cough) 

Bedtime Diffuser Blend: 2 Serenity + 2 Breathe + 2 On Guard + 2 Cedarwood

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Oil uses In Times Of Need

F.L.O.O.M : Frankincense + lemon + Oregano + On Guard + Melaleuca. This is our go to combo for natural antibiotic to kick any and all crud that may arise. Apply to feet, spine, ears, and neck often

Seasonal threats: lemon + lavender +peppermint. Apply to tops of ears, bottom of toes, neck, and chest as needed. Bridge of nose and T zone is another option. 

Congestion: Breath + Lemon + Frankincense. Apply to chest and feet.

Belly Buster: Digestzen + Wild Orange. Apply to feet and belly 

All things skin (cuts, diaper rash, itching, etc) Lavender + Frankincense + Melaleuca. Apply to area of concern

Ear Support: Basil + Melaleuca + Lavender. Apply on the ear and behind the ear with pressure moving down your neck to help release any fluid in the ear


My ‘Go-To’ Emotional Oils 

Peace / Hope / In Tune / Rose / Frankincense / Balance + Citrus Bliss / Balance + Serenity

These are just a few of our favorite staples. From one mom to another I am telling you that starting this oil journey will forever change your life and one day you will look back and think “Man, what did I ever do before oils?” Amen sister amen!

Feel free to connect with me on any specific questions. I would love to help! 


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